
STAIGUE FORT Original Watercolor

Original price was: €1,295.00.Current price is: €1,165.50.

It has been quite a while since I have visited  this extraordinary and beautifully untouched* and ‘unrestored’ ancient circular stone fortress set just above a valley near Caherciveen, down in beautiful County Kerry. 

I have painted it a few times and even included it in a goddess painting of mine of Sive (Sadhbh), patron of music and the arts, who gave her name to Caherciveen (The Caher or Fortress, of Sive).

What’s really great is that you can visit it up a narrow roadway, leave a small honour donation at the gate, usually a euro, and ramble and explore freely, ignoring pedantic health and safety rubbish, and have a real feel of the antiquity of the fort when you stand on the walls and take in the scale of the area and imagine you have stepped back a few thousand years in time with no new ugly bungalows to ruin the view.  

 *unrestored with cement mortar like the Grianán Aileach, thank Christ.

I have wanted to paint watercolors of Celtic Irish Landscapes for years and now present them to you for the first time.

Painted to order! Direct from the artist!


STAIGUE FORT Original Watercolor

Staigue Fort is a partially ruined Iron Age fortress on the Iveagh Peninsula built around 350 AD as a place of worship and as a defensive stronghold for a local warlord or king. Built without mortar using only raw stone and is an amazing and beautiful feat of engineering.

Whenever I am in that neck of the woods I cannot resist a visit. It is quite imposing and inspiring.


These new watercolours are all unique and only painted to order.
Each work is on heavy 310gsm watercolour rag paper and hand painted in watercolour inks and paint, with the addition of some white gouache where I feel it adds depth.
Size is A3 16.5” x11.69”.

Poulnabrone Dolmen, County Clare, Newgrange County Meath, and Staigue Fort, County Kerry will be the first three in this new series.


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