RFK 1968 Original Vintage Silkscreen Print


For the first time since their original printing, I am making these vintage posters available to my newsletter subscribers.

The photos are of the actual silkscreen print so you can see the quality and condition.

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RFK 1968 Original Vintage Silkscreen Print

Robert ‘Bobby’ Kennedy was another one of my heroes who was assassinated like so many who stood up to the evils in American society.

RFK. Silkscreen print.

I was a fanatical admirer of both JFK and brother Robert Kennedy and even today that admiration has not diminished. Thanks to the intervention of Bobby Kennedy US Chief of Staff, Curtis LeMay (‘Bombs away with Curtis LeMay’) was refused permission to invade or nuke Cuba after the Bay of Pigs disaster and during the Cuban Missile Crisis. ‘We do not do Pearl Harbours’, was his reply to LeMay’s demand for a surprise attack and undeclared war on the Cuban mainland.

Cool, wise heads prevailed over the military warmongers and the world was spared a nuclear holocaust.

At home he stood for black civil rights and made many dangerous enemies but it was only when RFK opposed the pointless Vietnam War and stood as a candidate in favour of ending it that the dark forces behind the assassination of his brother John Fitzgerald Kennedy conspired to assassinate him and they succeeded without any consequences for them or their clandestine killers, using a North Korean-style brainwashed Sirhan B. Sirhan as their patsy, just like Lee Harvey Oswald before him.

This poster was first published by Hibernia magazine in 1968 as a tribute to this outstanding American political, thinker and orator.

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Poster Number

1,2,3, 4,5, 6,7


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